<350> he would endeavour to deserve the distinguished marks of favour which the nation had bestowed on him by the late unanimous resolutions of Parliament.1

After this His Prussian Majesty told me, by way of conversation, that the French were certainly to march a very great army in different columns, which, however, he believed could not be ready quite as soon as they gave out, that if the King's army in Westphalia was once formed, he thought something might be done to render the approach of the French difficult, which he promised afterwards to communicate, but that he was very impatient to hear of the army in Westphalia being ready.“

Mitchell schreibt an Pitt, Dresden, 12. März: „Sir. Since my return from Brunswick the King of Prussia told me that he had had such accounts of your behaviour in the House of Commons,2 that he thought himself much obliged to you, and he desired me to acquaint you with it, and, in his name, to return you thanks for the excellent speech you made on the 18th of February, which I do most sincerely and with the greatest pleasure.

I have the satisfaction at the same time to inform you that the King of Prussia has the greatest confidence in His Majesty and in his ministers, and he considers the late resolutions of Parliament as the strongest assurances that can be given of the favourable and friendly dispositions of the British nation towards him ...“

Der Bericht an Holdernesse nach der Ausfertigung, das Schreiben an Pitt nach einer Abschrift im Public Eecord Office zu London.


[Dresde, 9 mars 1757.]3

Réponse: Il n'était pas à croire que le roi d'Angleterre acceptât des conditions incompatibles avec son honneur et avec les intérêts de l'Angleterre;4 que nous n'avons rien à craindre de ce côté-là, que je n'appréhende que la lenteur des Hanovriens ou quelque mauvaise manœuvre de la part du général qui commandera leur armée ; que, hors cela, on n'a rien à prévoir de fâcheux. Compliment.


Eigenhändige Weisung für das Concept der Antwort auf ein Schreiben des Herzogs von Braunschweig, d. d. Braunschweig 1. März; in dorso des Schreibens.

1 Vergl. S. 331. 344.

2 Vergl. Nr. 8692.

3 Das dieser Weisung gemäss aufgesetzte Concept trägt das Datum „9 mars“ .

4 Vergl. S. 339. 343.