[Lager vor Prag, Mai-Juni 1757.] 143-4

Mitchell berichtet an Holdernesse, Weleslawin 8. Juni: „... His Royal Highness having been pleased to communicate the letters that have passed between him and the marshal d'Estrees,143-5 I laid them before the King of Prussia, who laughed very heartily at the insolent impertinence of the French general and approved much of the answer His Royal Highness has ordered General Spcercken to make; he said, upon that occasion, that the firmness His Majesty had shewn in rejecting the propositions of neutrality,143-6 had certainly disconcerted the French councils and might perhaps retard the operations of their army, if, by that, time was gained,143-7 it was everything could be wished for in the present conjuncture.

His Prussian Majesty is entirely convinced that nothing will be wanting on the part of His Royal Highness that may be for the advantage of the common cause, and will, so soon as it is possible, give every assistance to His Royal Highness, but I must not conceal from Your Lordship that, till the fate of Prague be decided, it really is not in his power to send any succour,143-8 nor even to make small detachments from his army without risking the whole, and in a manner giving up the advantages he has already gained . . .“

Nach der Ausfertigung im Public Record Office zu London.


143-4 Ueber den Tag der Unterredung ergibt Mitchell's Bericht nichts Bestimmtes; die in dem ersten Abschnitt erzählte Unterredung scheint identisch zu sein mit der in Mitchell's Tagebüchern unter dem 23. Mai angeführten Conferenz. Vergl. die S. 61 Anm. 3 citirten „Memoire etc.“ Bd. I, 335.

143-5 Vergl. Nr. 8974.

143-6 Vergl. S. 35. 83.

143-7 Vergl. S. 139.

143-8 Vergl. S. 103. 140.