<123> the King of Prussia agreed, and this is all I could obtain after a very long conférence …“
Mitchell berichtet an Holdernesse, Berlin 30. Juli (secret): „The Marquis de Valory had an audience of the King of Prussia last Monday,1 which lasted but a few minutes. He had before delivered to Count Podewils a letter of which your Lordship has a copy inclosed.2 Count Podewils said in my hearing to the King of Prussia that Marquis de Valory had said he would pawn his head that the Empress-Queen had no intention to attack him; to which Podewils replied: ·Will your court guarantee that?“ Here the King of Prussia interrupted him and said: « You are wrong, France will promise to give no assistance to the Empress-Queen against me, provided I will, on my part, promise to give no assistance to the King of England, but I am resolved to do no such things, I will fulfill my engagements with the King of England. » He then said to Count Podewils « I will tell you what answer to give Valory; » of which I send your Lordship a copy. I have reason to believe it is the King of Prussia's own writing.3
When I went into the closet after Marquis de Valory's audience, the King said with an air of good humour « Je ne veux pas que ces Messieurs me parlent comme on parle aux Hollandais, et qu ils me disent quel traité je dois remplir on non. »“
Mitchell berichtet an Holdernesse, Berlin 30. Juli (very secret): „When I was in the King's closet last Monday, he read over to me and afterwards gave the copy of Monsieur de Knyphausen's letter to be transmitted to His Majesty.4 It is to be observed that Monsieur de Knyphausen is absolutely uninformed of the intrigues of the court of Vienna at the court of Russia, and the King of Prussia thinks that the court of France are not thoroughly acquainted with them, he is likewise of opinion that the French (from the présent disposition they have made of their troops) will not march into Germany this year, but to render this more certain and at the same time to shew the friendship and regard he has for His Majesty, he has declared to me that he will delay beginning his opérations tili towards the end of August, though he says he is at this moment ready and could be in Silesia in six days.
…The King of Prussia's intention of communicating to the court of France5 the instruction he has given to Monsieur de Klinggräffen at Vienna, is meant to amuse them, and to prevent their making any altération in the disposition of the troops, so as to render their march
1 26. Juli.
2 Vergl. Nr. 7763.
3 Vergl. Nr. 7764.
4 Gemeint ist der Bericht Knyphausen's, Compiègne 15. Juli. Vergl. Nr. 7760. 7761.
5 An Valory. Vergl. Nr. 7763.