Potsdam, 26. August 1756.

Mitchell berichtet an Holdernesse, Berlin 28. August, über die ihm am 26. August in Potsdam gewährte Audienz: „His Prussian Majesty told me his Courier from Vienna had arrived late the night before,285-1 that, instead of an answer to the question his minister was directed to ask, the court of Vienna had only denied in very strong terms the existence of any offensive treaty with Russia, without at the same time giving him the least assurance that they did not intend to attack him either this or the next year, that he was therefore resolved immediately to march his troops through Saxony towards Bohemia, but, as a farther proof of his love of peace, he had directed Monsieur de Klinggræffen285-2 to make a third demand of the Empress-Queen, to obtain the assurance he has already asked for, which, if granted, he would still withdraw his troops, but, if refused, he directs his minister to leave that court forthwith …“

Nach der Ausfertigung im Public Record Office zu London.

285-1 Vergl. S. 278.

285-2 Vergl. Nr. 7914.