

[Leitmeritz, 30. Juni 1757.]

Mitchell berichtet an Holdernesse, Leitmeritz, 2. Juli (secret): „In a conversation I had with the King of Prussia two days ago, he said he was glad to hear that at last we were likely to have an administration in England,1 that he wished they would begin with some bold and rigorous measure to make up for the time that has been lost in inaction. He asked me where our fleets were, to which I could not answer; he said, as France had withdrawn a great part of her troops from the sea-coast, in order to form their armies in Westphalia and Alsace, he thought it was very possible to alarm the coasts of France by the means of our fleet, without however to risk anything, that it might be of essential service at this time, as he knew the French were easily alarmed and would perhaps in the first hurry recall some of their troops from Westphalia and from the army they are sending into the Empire, that this diversion would be of great service to His Royal Highness the Duke and to himself, who had each too numerous foes to deal with.

He is of opinion that England's seeming to act upon the offensive will have a great effect on the councils of France as well as give a spirit to the English nation, who have hitherto been frightened with vain terrors of invasions,2 and that the only way to prevent the like panic, is to shew some vigorous act that we do not fear them.

He renewed to me on this occasion his firm resolution to hearken to no terms of peace without His Majesty's privity and approbation.“

Nach der Ausfertigung im Public Record Office zu London.


des arguments dont peut se servir un ministre autrichien à Londres, pour tirer des subsides de l'Angleterre, l'an 1763.

1° Il marquera en termes touchants les regrets de l'Impératrice-Reine d'avoir abandonné l'alliance de l'Angleterre, il en rejettera toute la faute sur le comte Kaunitz, dont le crédit et les insinuations avaient forcé la Reine à prendre ce parti.

2° Il insinuera adroitement que, malgré les engagements que la Reine avait eus avec la France, elle avait par penchant servi le roi d'Angleterre, en dissuadant à la cour de Versailles des projets qu'elle avait formés de placer le Prétendant sur le trône d'Angleterre, et inter--

1 Vergl. S. 173.

2 Vergl. Bd. XII, 508; Bd. XIII, 192. 198. 212. 333; Bd. XIV, 57. 71. 72. 321.