[August 1758.]

Mitchell berichtet an Holdernesse, Crossen 18. August (secret), er habe dem Könige die Gefahren vorgestellt, welche durch die Abberufung der preussischen Kavallerie176-5 von der hannoverschen Armee entstehen könnten: „His Prussian Majesty, after hearing with attention every thing I had to say, replyed: « You must remember those troops were only lent till I had occasion for them, and, though that is the case, I had no intention to withdraw them, if the necessity of my affairs had not obliged me, and you cannot but be sensible I want troops, as you see the hard struggle I am forced to make against armies much superior in number, and upon what unequal terms I am obliged to act and to risk every thing. But, as a proof of the regard I have for His Majesty, I have some days ago upon a representation made by Prince Ferdinand, given him leave to keep the troops and to use them in case he thinks there will be an action soon;176-6 I have also acquainted him of my march, and that, if I succeed against the Russians, the cavalry shall remain with him, but, if I am unfortunate, they must be sent back immediately;176-7 for I cannot do without them . . .  »“

Nach der Ausfertigung im Public Record Office zu London.


176-5 Vergl. S. 147. 166.

176-6 Vergl. Nr. 10203.

176-7 Wie Mitchell an Holdernesse, Tamsel 28. August (private and secret) berichtet, hat der König auf die erneute Bitte, die preussische Kavallerie bei der hannoverschen Armee zu lassen, mürrisch geantwortet: „that if the subsidy was granted with such conditions, he would not touch it“ . Mitchell hat entgegnet, dass die Angelegenheit mit den Subsidien nichts zu thun habe; er hat sich aber vorgenommen, die Frage nicht wieder zu berühren.