<209> the French have suffered in the field are imputed to him; that there is a great jealousy between the Marshals Belle-Isle and Broglie, and it was even talked of recalling the last from the command of the army.

He likewise said that, if he had not been sent to Paris, the French were upon the point of sending a person to sound the King of Prussia; to which, he was informed, the duc de Choiseul had agreed. He says, the French took frequent occasions to assure him, that they were in no want of money, and that the funds for the next campaign were already provided, which, however, this gentleman does not believe.

The King of Prussia said that he intended in a few days to send this gentleman to England, to make the report to the King's ministers of everything that had passed at Paris, and that, as he was provided with a passport from the Duke of Broglie, he might go directly from England to Calais, charged with such instructions as the King's ministers should think proper to give him.

As in this conversation His Prussian Majesty avoided naming the gentleman, and always, when he spoke of him, made use of these words: „,Mon homme me dit“ , I thought proper to shew no curiosity either to know his name nor to see him, especially as I found that great care had been taken to keep him concealed in the most private manner since his arrivai here.

Your Lordship will, no doubt, be informed of this gentleman's character from the Court of Gotha, to which he belongs, for I hear he is an entire stranger to the King of Prussia.“

Nach der Ausfertigung im Public Record Office zu London.


Freiberg, 29 mars 1760.

Quand le sieur Edelsheim, qui vous rendra la présente lettre de ma part et qui va voyager en Angleterre,1 où des affaires de famille très pressantes demandent sa présence, aura besoin de votre assistance pour passer au plus tôt en Angleterre, vous ne manquerez pas de l'assister de tout votre mieux et lui procurerez même, si les circonstances l'exigeront et qu'il vous en requerra, quelque vaisseau ou Paquetboot, pour pouvoir passer d'autant plus tôt en Angleterre. Je le recommande, d'ailleurs, à tous vos soins pour lui procurer toute autre assistance qu'il saurait avoir besoin.


Nach dem Concept.

1 Vergl. Nr. 11947. 11950.