[Berlin, 5. Juni 1756.]385-1

Mitchell berichtet an Holdernesse, Berlin 7. Juni (secret), über eine Unterredung, die ihm der König kurz vor der Abreise nach Stettin gewährt hat. Mitchell hat dem Könige die am 9. Mai von Kaunitz auf die Mittheilung der Westminster-Convention385-1 dem englischen Gesandten in Wien ertheilte schriftliche Antwort385-2 überreicht:385-3 „When the King read the paper which count Kaunitz gave to Mr. Keith, he laughed and said he could not have believed that Kaunitz' folly could have carried him so far, that he was informed the other ministers of the court of Vienna were not of the same sentiments, but that Kaunitz had got an ascendant over the Empress-Queen, that this alliance between the courts of Vienna and France was unnatural and could not last …

He then repeated what he had often said to me of the importance of securing Russia,385-4 and added that France was streatching every nerve to gain Russia,385-5 that the court of Vienna joined with France in endeavouring to seduce Russia into their cabals, that no pains or expence might be spared to preserve our interests there; that everywhere eise we ought to be frugal, as France seemed to make war with an intention to exhaust our treasure, while they harass and alarm England at a very small expence, comparatively speaking.

He mentioned Sir Charles Wilhams did justice to his parts, and spoke of him with great moderation, but added « I am informed that by making court to the Grand Duchess, he has given jealousy and uneasiness to the Czarina; I wish your affairs may not suffer by it. »385-6

He said he was persuaded that schemes of operations for the next year were already preparing between the courts of Vienna and France. He expressed great contempt for the French ministers and for French Councils, he renewed his advice of being upon our guard at home,385-7 adding « I think, if any attempt is made upon the King's dominions, it will be upon England or Ireland not Scotland. »


Speaking of the differences between him and Great Britain, he said to whatever causes they were owing, that sooner or later there would be an end of them; for it was their mutual interest to unite together …“

Nach der Ausfertigung im Public Record Office zu London.

385-1 Der König kam am 5. nach Berlin und reiste am 6. früh weiter nach Stettin. In Potsdam ist Mitchell am 3. oder 4. nicht gewesen.

385-2 Vergl. S. 362.

385-3 Gemäss der Weisung des Grafen Holdernesse, Whitehall 28. Mai, welcher der Bericht Keith's, d. d. Wien 16. Mai, nebst der Antwort beigeschlossen war.

385-4 Vergl. S. 327. 356.

385-5 Vergl. S. 381.

385-6 Vergl. S. 362. 373.

385-7 Vergl. S. 357. 358.