„« <165>pense, as you see, to make myself strong and to look mey enemies into the face » . . .“

Mitchell berichtet an Holdernesse, Dresden 25. December (most secret): Da der petersburger Hof im Begriff stehe, dem Vertrage von Versailles beizutreten, so sei der König von Preussen der Ansicht, dass England keinerlei Rücksicht mehr auf Russland zu nehmen habe, vielmehr darauf denken müsse, „to stir up the Porte to make or to seem to make a diversion,1 the appearance alone would give an immédiate turn to affaire . . . His Prussian Majesty hopes and expects that the King will give such orders to his ambassador at Constantinople,2 as are most proper for their mutual safety and best suited to the imminent danger that threatens both, but as in the present conjuncture there is not a moment to be lost, he proposed that a Courier should immediately be sent by Warsaw. When I urged the difficulty there was of finding a safe conveyance from thence, he said he believed he could help us, that he would recommend it to count Branicki, the crowngeneral, upon whom he could dépend3 . . .

His Prussian Majesty said farther that, if the King intended to do anything with the Republic of Poland, that Branicki was the man to be employed, that he opposed to the Russian party and was at present exerting himself to prevent the Republic from granting a passage to the Russian troops, that he had quitted his connexions with France since her union with the house of Austria, and that he was a thorough enemy to count Brühl . . .“

Nach den Ausfertigungen im Public Record Office zu London.


Dresde, 25 décembre 1756.

Monsieur. En songeant mûrement aux méchantes nouvelles que le chevalier Williams nous a données en dernier lieu,4 touchant la mauvaise disposition de la cour de Pétersbourg à notre égard, il m'est venu la pensée que, pour savoir exactement où j'en suis avec la jeune cour, et ce que j'en aurai à attendre, il pourrait me convenir que ledit chevalier, se croyant être, comme il fait, dans la confidence de celle-ci, tacherait de tirer une promesse de la Grande-Duchesse qu'à l'évènement de la mort de l'Impératrice régnante, et quand le Grand-[Duc] succèdera au trône, je pourrais compter sûrement que la Russie ne se déclarerait pas ni n'agirait hostilement contre moi, à moins que je [ne] me mêlerais des affaires du Holstein et du Sleswig.

1 Vergl. S. 122; Bd. XIII, 619.

2 Porter.

3 Vergl. S. 94; Bd. XIII, 253. 254.

4 Vergl. Nr. 8472.