<103> the chief guarantee of the treaty of Westphalia, was become the friend and ally of the house of Austria.

2° The danger to the Protestant religion from the union that was endeavouring to be formed among the Catholic princes, which had been shewed by some proceedings at the diet of Ratisbon.1

3° The unfair means made use of by the house of Austria to debauch the Hereditary Prince of Hesse and to withdraw him from his duty to his father and to destroy the Protestant religion in that country, and that a full narrative ought to be prepared of all the Steps that had been taken in that affair and of the negociation of Monsieur Pretlack. 2

4° That care should be taken to avoid the mentioning of commercial or of maritime affairs, which could only serve to excite the jealousy of the Danish nation. 3

5° That Monsieur Moltke should be first applied to, and a hint given to Monsieur Bernstorff to concur with him, which the King of Prussia thinks will make things go easier than if Bernstorff should take the lead.4

The King of Prussia concluded with saying that he would instruct Monsieur Hæseler, his minister at the court of Denmark, who is now at Berlin,5 to give all the assistance he could, to Mr. Titley in the carrying on of this negociation, and that he would concur in every measure for that purpose as soon as Mr. Titley should be instructed from his court, and he desired me to write to Mr. Titley … The King of Prussia added that, besides other advantages from the alliance with Denmark, a considérable one might arise, if the King of Denmark could be induced to furnish a good body of cavalry, which will be very much wanted, if war should be begun in Germany …“6

Nach den Ausfertigungen im Public Record Office zu London.


Potsdam, 21. Juli 1756,

Da der kaiserliche Hof zu Wien durch seinen zu Berlin subsistirenden Minister, den Grafen von Puebla, vermittelst des in Abschrift anliegenden Promemoria Beschwerde führen lassen,7 wie, im verwiche-

1 Vergl. Bd. XII, 512.

2 Vergl. Bd. XII, 510.

3 Vergl. Bd. XII, 447.

4 Vergl. Bd. XI, 427.

5 Vergl. Bd. XII, 405.

6 Eine Mittheilung des Königs an Mitchell, von welcher dieser am 22. Juli an Holdernesse berichtet, ist wahrscheinlich ebenfalls in der Audienz vom 20. oder 21. Juli gemacht worden: „, …The King of Prussia seems persuaded that the King's interest at the court of Petersburg is indeed at a very low ebb, and the King of Prussia told me that he was informed, when Sir C. H. Williams went to visit the Vice-Chancellor, the answer he received was that he, Vice-Chancellor, could not see him, as he was busy with chevalier Douglas … (Public Record Office zu London,)

7 Vergl. Nr. 7727.